
That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again

Posted By: hemi68charger

That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:40 AM

Hey gang..
OK, I got bored today and pushed the ole' '68 out in the Sun to take some more pictures with the additional "stuff" I've installed recently... I'm making an ebay ad to see if something comes about since the debacle of recent.. I'm not giving up on my Daytona quest and while I wait, I'm having fun with my '68.......

Here's a few... Sorry if this is getting tiresome..........

Attached picture 4652696-100_7869.JPG
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:41 AM


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Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:41 AM


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Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:42 AM


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Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:43 AM


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Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:43 AM


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Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:44 AM


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Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:44 AM


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Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:45 AM


Attached picture 4652706-100_7899.JPG
Posted By: ScottSmith_Harms

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 12:53 AM

Looking good!

Quick tip, it's easier to install the dash and steering column gear with the seats out.

Posted By: RJS

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:10 AM


Hey gang..
OK, I got bored today and pushed the ole' '68 out in the Sun to take some more pictures with the additional "stuff" I've installed recently... I'm making an ebay ad to see if something comes about since the debacle of recent.. I'm not giving up on my Daytona quest and while I wait, I'm having fun with my '68.......

Here's a few... Sorry if this is getting tiresome..........

The pictures aren't tiresome but the whining about being stuck with a Hemi Charger is!!! Also please no more video's like that one last week
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:21 AM



Hey gang..
OK, I got bored today and pushed the ole' '68 out in the Sun to take some more pictures with the additional "stuff" I've installed recently... I'm making an ebay ad to see if something comes about since the debacle of recent.. I'm not giving up on my Daytona quest and while I wait, I'm having fun with my '68.......

Here's a few... Sorry if this is getting tiresome..........

The pictures aren't tiresome but the whining about being stuck with a Hemi Charger is!!! Also please no more video's like that one last week

Wow !!!! Didn't know I was whining about being stuck with a Hemi Charger... You're the first in 6 years to say so.. If anything I was whining about being strung along and the debacle of a paint and body experience I had over the last 6 years that has ended on a very good note...

As far as the video is concerned, once again, you're the first to ever "publicly" whine about them... A pointer for you... If you see a video and it's been created by the likes of me, try to control yourself and DON'T click the link... It will apparently save you a lot of grief and sleepless nights...

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:22 AM

Troy keep the 68....finish it,....and "Dana" ship up the 70 V code, and I'll send it back as a nice Daytona ....who cares about numbers?......would you sleep better at night knowing you have a 68 Hemi Charger,a 500, and a cloned Tona',....or no "winged thing" at all?

Hmmmmmm!...a nice Q5 w/white wing, and interior to go along with that 68

Attached picture 4652771-0000a.jpg
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:29 AM


Troy keep the 68....finish it,....and "Dana" ship up the 70 V code, and I'll send it back as a nice Daytona ....who cares about numbers?......would you sleep better at night knowing you have a 68 Hemi Charger,a 500, and a cloned Tona',....or no "winged thing" at all?

Mike, as much as I would LOVE to have one of your creations, I frankly don't have that kind of disposable greenbacks.. I was trying, in a perfect world, to keep Dana and get a Daytona from the sale of the '68 and '70.. But, the further I get along with the '68, the more it makes sense to finish her off. Doing so may allow me to keep the '70. But, again, that takes time and money, both of which just don't seem to come in equal amounts... Time goes by quickly and money comes in slowly.

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:38 AM


I know your desire to have a wingcar is paramount with you,....but I'd keep the 68,....after it's gone,.....replacement would be almost impossible,.....and you would miss it, the same with the 500,........selling the V code, would allow you, possibly the funds to purchase a clean base Charger, and the funds to create a Tona'....thats my
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:40 AM


Looking good!

Quick tip, it's easier to install the dash and steering column gear with the seats out.

Hey Scott... They are just sitting in there.. I have bolted them in yet.. Plus, they still have the original covers on them.. I wanted to see what the white against the turquoise would look like.. I love it.. Plus, it's a great place to store them for now..
Posted By: 68SportSatvert

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:50 AM

I never get tired of seeing your beautiful car or your progress. I'm jealous to a degree that I haven't got that far with mine. Is the bottom gray primer? It shines and I didn't think the primers shined like that. I didn't see the video but now my curiosity is peaked so I'll have to go look for it. Better yet, could you email it to me at rp27g8@live .com ?

Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 02:07 AM


I never get tired of seeing your beautiful car or your progress. I'm jealous to a degree that I haven't got that far with mine. Is the bottom gray primer? It shines and I didn't think the primers shined like that. I didn't see the video but now my curiosity is peaked so I'll have to go look for it. Better yet, could you email it to me at [Email]rp27g8@live[/Email] .com ?


The "primer" looks is just that, duplication of the factory look... As we all know, the primer back then was just that, primer.. But, with me, I'd rather have something with the benefits of both looks and practicality.. I do EVERYTHING with the '68 as if I'm keeping it forever. With that being said, I've always planned on driving her. The dark primer paint from Dave Patik over at Performance Car Graphics provides to me the ticket I need.. It's paint as you've eluded to, and with that, it's much easier to maintain and clean.. I've never wanted to hit the 100 point OE concourse arena, hence my choice...


PS: oh yeah, I'll email you the link to the youtube video I have.. I believe I ramble and say "hemi" a few times.. Maybe that's what chaps RJS's hide..
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 02:28 AM



I know your desire to have a wingcar is paramount with you,....but I'd keep the 68,....after it's gone,.....replacement would be almost impossible,.....and you would miss it, the same with the 500,........selling the V code, would allow you, possibly the funds to purchase a clean base Charger, and the funds to create a Tona'....thats my

Your go a long way with me Mike.. I've probably played out so many scenario's it's pitiful...
Posted By: shakerjoe

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 03:06 AM

Troy - would you take it personal if I said " I hate you ? " That is one GORGEOUS Charger - I'd also vote for keeping it over a wing car - no offense Mike ! Joe
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 03:25 AM

charger > daytona

Posted By: RJS

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 01:56 PM



I never get tired of seeing your beautiful car or your progress. I'm jealous to a degree that I haven't got that far with mine. Is the bottom gray primer? It shines and I didn't think the primers shined like that. I didn't see the video but now my curiosity is peaked so I'll have to go look for it. Better yet, could you email it to me at [Email]rp27g8@live[/Email] .com ?


The "primer" looks is just that, duplication of the factory look... As we all know, the primer back then was just that, primer.. But, with me, I'd rather have something with the benefits of both looks and practicality.. I do EVERYTHING with the '68 as if I'm keeping it forever. With that being said, I've always planned on driving her. The dark primer paint from Dave Patik over at Performance Car Graphics provides to me the ticket I need.. It's paint as you've eluded to, and with that, it's much easier to maintain and clean.. I've never wanted to hit the 100 point OE concourse arena, hence my choice...


PS: oh yeah, I'll email you the link to the youtube video I have.. I believe I ramble and say "hemi" a few times.. Maybe that's what chaps RJS's hide..

BINGO!!!! It sounds silly hearing a grown man call a car Dana and say "here's my Hemi Charger" every few seconds. As I said from the start I have no problem seeing the pictures of the car.
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 02:15 PM




I never get tired of seeing your beautiful car or your progress. I'm jealous to a degree that I haven't got that far with mine. Is the bottom gray primer? It shines and I didn't think the primers shined like that. I didn't see the video but now my curiosity is peaked so I'll have to go look for it. Better yet, could you email it to me at [Email]rp27g8@live[/Email] .com ?


The "primer" looks is just that, duplication of the factory look... As we all know, the primer back then was just that, primer.. But, with me, I'd rather have something with the benefits of both looks and practicality.. I do EVERYTHING with the '68 as if I'm keeping it forever. With that being said, I've always planned on driving her. The dark primer paint from Dave Patik over at Performance Car Graphics provides to me the ticket I need.. It's paint as you've eluded to, and with that, it's much easier to maintain and clean.. I've never wanted to hit the 100 point OE concourse arena, hence my choice...


PS: oh yeah, I'll email you the link to the youtube video I have.. I believe I ramble and say "hemi" a few times.. Maybe that's what chaps RJS's hide..

BINGO!!!! It sounds silly hearing a grown man call a car Dana and say "here's my Hemi Charger" every few seconds. As I said from the start I have no problem seeing the pictures of the car.

Then turn the volume down...... See, life is simple......

And let it be known, I'm not the only classic car owner who's named his car... Get with the times..........

Don't turn this into something it's not.
Posted By: MRVCODE

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 05:19 PM



BINGO!!!! It sounds silly hearing a grown man call a car Dana and say "here's my Hemi Charger" every few seconds. As I said from the start I have no problem seeing the pictures of the car.

Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 05:54 PM




BINGO!!!! It sounds silly hearing a grown man call a car Dana and say "here's my Hemi Charger" every few seconds. As I said from the start I have no problem seeing the pictures of the car.


You guys are starting to give me a complex.... One of which it's like, "Dude, turn the volume down" or "don't click".. I didn't send you a link personally, you did it under you own free will.. No one was holding a gun to your finger..

Here we have closet critics....

"here's my Hemi Charger"
"here's my Hemi Charger"
"here's my Hemi Charger"
"here's my Hemi Charger"
"here's my Hemi Charger"
"here's my Hemi Charger"
"here's my Hemi Charger"
"here's my Hemi Charger"
Posted By: anlauto

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 07:27 PM

Troy that looks like a “factory” vehicle that has been teleported from the year 1968 to present day.
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 08/31/08 08:50 PM


Troy that looks like a “factory” vehicle that has been teleported from the year 1968 to present day.

Thanks Man !!!! That's a major compliment.... Thanks.......
Posted By: 70HemiGTX

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 09/02/08 12:00 AM

I thought you were going to finish it, but now I see it on ebay. I looking foreward to finished pics! That is one sweet color!!!
Posted By: hemi68charger

Re: That dang LL1 '68 Hemi Charger R/T again - 09/02/08 01:52 AM


I thought you were going to finish it, but now I see it on ebay. I looking foreward to finished pics! That is one sweet color!!!

It's a work in progress as time and finances allow.. I'm pressing forward regardless.......

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