
Speedo Cable

Posted By: Mopar_Country

Speedo Cable - 04/30/11 10:39 PM

Just put a new speedo cable on the Dart and took it for a ride. Got back and parked it in the garage and shut it off, looked down and I'm still doing 55 .

What I am wondering has anyone else had this happen, do they take a few miles to "loosen" up?

I pulled the cable out and lubed it before install and it has no sharp bends or turns.
Posted By: RapidRobert

Re: Speedo Cable - 04/30/11 11:36 PM


do they take a few miles to "loosen" up?

no, Was the speedo Ok b 4 & there was a cable prob, noise or needle jumping (from sticking/releasing cable)
Posted By: Mopar_Country

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 01:24 AM

It worked fine before, Ive just been changing things out and upgrading parts. It still works it just sticks now. It does return to normal after a couple of minutes. I guess I double check the cable and make sure it doesn't have a tight bend somewhere.
Posted By: Kern Dog

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 01:45 AM

You can remove the end from the trans and put it in a drill. You will have to spin it COUNTERclockwise to get the speedo to read. This may help isolate the problem. I would tend to think that the speedometer itself is to blame. How ELSE could the needle stick at 55 mph? The cable stops spinning when the car stops, right?
Posted By: Mopar_Country

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 03:27 AM

Well it didn't do it until I changed the speedo pinion and cable. I made the change because I upgraded to an 8 3/4 rear with different gears and needed the new pinion, so I figured why not change the cable, the clip that held the cable to the back of the speedo was cracked and starting to break I'll have to check and make sure I got it on the back the way it should be I guess. I will try the drill tomorrow and see if I can isolate it.

It did not hang up previous to the change, that's what has me confused.
Posted By: Mopar_Country

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 03:30 AM



do they take a few miles to "loosen" up?

no, Was the speedo Ok b 4 & there was a cable prob, noise or needle jumping (from sticking/releasing cable)

No jumping, no noise, but it did seem to read a little lower than what it should.
Posted By: 268RTs4ME

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 03:31 AM

Did you lube the new cable??
Posted By: Mopar_Country

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 03:33 AM

Yes, I pulled it out and used the lube supplied from one end to the other.

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 04:39 AM


Just put a new speedo cable on the Dart and took it for a ride. Got back and parked it in the garage and shut it off, looked down and I'm still doing 55 .

What I am wondering has anyone else had this happen, do they take a few miles to "loosen" up?

I pulled the cable out and lubed it before install and it has no sharp bends or turns.

Well the cable is just a mechanical rotational transfer device. Hence car stops cable stops. If the head is hanging up and showing mph then the problem is in the head.
Posted By: Ramrod39

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 04:57 AM

My Road Runner did that after I reasembled it. If I hit 55 the speedo stuck there. Tap it with my finger and it would drop back to zero. The problem was in the speedo head.
Posted By: gtx6970

Re: Speedo Cable - 05/01/11 03:11 PM

Although very unlikely but , Make sure the cable isn't binding where it enters at the backside of speedometer head. If it's ok, you have internal speedometer issues.
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