

Posted By: TOMRR

timing - 10/10/09 02:40 PM

Iam have a bear of a time with the timing on my 440, When I unhook the vacuum from the distributor
the engine seems to run fine , but when I hook it back up and bring up th RPM,S of the motor, it want to sputter and and back fire a little
it,s a stock ELE Distributor
Any Idears ???
Posted By: RapidRobert

Re: timing - 10/10/09 05:50 PM


Any Idears ???

rotor phasing. and what is your timing?
Posted By: TOMRR

Re: timing - 10/10/09 08:18 PM

5BTDC Whats Rotor Phasing??
Posted By: GomangoCuda

Re: timing - 10/10/09 11:40 PM

A six pack will not like 5btdc at idle. You will have to recurve the ditributer so that you can have 15-18 at idle and 36 total.


[ it,s a stock ELE Distributor

Is it an OEM distributor or is it a new MP distributor? If it is a recent MP then you need to read this.
Posted By: dave571

Re: timing - 10/11/09 03:07 AM


Iam have a bear of a time with the timing on my 440, When I unhook the vacuum from the distributor
the engine seems to run fine , but when I hook it back up and bring up th RPM,S of the motor, it want to sputter and and back fire a little
it,s a stock ELE Distributor
Any Idears ???

First problem is You've got too much advance because you are using manifold vacuum instead of ported.

Second is likely, that As touched on by others, the distributor curve is likely not what you need for a perf motor. It all depends on cam, comp, weight, gear, tire, etc..

As a patch, you could set the max mechanical timing to 35 or so, and let the base fall where it does. Then hook up the vacuum advance to a ported source.
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