
440 distributor drive gear slot position?

Posted By: 74RR

440 distributor drive gear slot position? - 05/20/09 01:00 PM

At TDC should the slot for the distributor gear run parallel with the crank and rotor point to #1 cylinder?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 440 distributor drive gear slot position? - 05/20/09 01:58 PM

Ya but you don't HAVE to

The only reason that there are prescribed ways of installing distro's is:

so the assembly line folks can do it all over again

so the plug wires and vacuum advance "sit" right

so a tuneup mechanic "sees" what he expects to see.

Only rigs this isn't true is stuff like V6's where every other pair of cylinders fires closer together
Posted By: RapidRobert

Re: 440 distributor drive gear slot position? - 05/20/09 02:10 PM


so the plug wires and vacuum advance "sit" right

Posted By: 74RR

Re: 440 distributor drive gear slot position? - 05/20/09 10:25 PM

Thanks for the replys.
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