
Dominator acc. pump cam question

Posted By: DaveRS23

Dominator acc. pump cam question - 03/22/09 01:28 AM

I believe the acc. pump shots on my Dominator are too big. It doesn't look like my 30cc pump cams will work. Are there 50cc pump cam kits like there are 30cc pump cam kits? Has anyone else had this issue? Other than changing pump cams, what else can I do to lessen the shot? I need less total fuel, not a change in duration, like nozzles would do. 30cc pumps would probably do the trick, but the pump arms won't work on the Dominator. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Posted By: Dodgem

Re: Dominator acc. pump cam question - 03/22/09 02:19 AM

I run 25 nozzels on mine and it launches perfect.
Posted By: DaveRS23

Re: Dominator acc. pump cam question - 03/22/09 02:26 AM

I think the question says that this isn't a nozzle question. But I am glad to hear that you like your .025s.
Posted By: Dodgem

Re: Dominator acc. pump cam question - 03/22/09 02:10 PM

Well I looked at that too and seems to be all I could find for the Dommy. when I got my 9375 it had 25 shooters in it and I thought man that is way to small so I started with 35's footbraking and it would miss through the 60 foot. Turns out the anullar discharge boosters really rain fuel in without much signal so they don't need much help. went smaller and smaller and ended back down at 25's. best 60 foots up to that time better than my worked 800 on an iron head 452. Guess the guy with the 9 second corvette had it set right! LOL!!!
two years ago I built a 542 and tried going bigger and it still wanted just the 25's ?? miss that motor but on the 82nd run succumed to a bad/loose balancer.
Not sure I fully understand what you are asking? sorry if I don't this is just my experiences
Posted By: DaveRS23

Re: Dominator acc. pump cam question - 03/23/09 01:12 AM

That's what I have...9375. And it had 35s. It just plain gets too much fuel off the line. I have found that Holley makes only 2 pump cams for this carb. The stock Yellow and a White. The White does not use all the fuel in the pump while the yellow one does. I intend to order a couple of the White cams tomorrow. They are over $13 each. We'll see how that works.
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