
just did some rewiring and have a ?

Posted By: 1Fast340

just did some rewiring and have a ? - 06/05/08 08:15 PM

well had a problem with alot of lost electrical power
had 14.2volts at alternator but just 12.8volts at batery and also measured at the starter and starter relay
batery is in the back but that is a very small loss compared to the big power loss i had thru the system behind the firewall it seems like so i put in some new wiring following this,33574.0.html that made alote of sense
i do know about the mad electrical ampmeter bypas just didnt feel like going that far just yet
so after puting in the aditional wiring and starting up the car i find the ampmeter showing halfway to 40+ with car just runing at idle same result when electrical fan is running and when lights is on wish tells me alternator is charging pretty much what seems strange is that i almost never saw the ampmeter go higher that about half of what it shows now earlier before i added this extra wiring
i now have 14.2volts at alternator and 13.5 at batery and also at starter/starter relay.. is this safe or have i done something realy wrong that may be dangerous?
nomather how much i think of it i cant se anything wrong with this modification
any input?
Posted By: marks69

Re: just did some rewiring and have a ? - 06/05/08 09:11 PM

I'm not sure but I don't think you did anything wrong. 13.5 volts at the battery at idle is perfect. I think your alternator and regulator are just working much more than they use to supplying the additional volts. I would keep an eye on it but I wouldn't worry to much about it yet.
Posted By: mark7171

Re: just did some rewiring and have a ? - 06/05/08 09:11 PM

is the circuit in parallel?

does your car stay running with the battery disconnected?
Posted By: beepbeep

Re: just did some rewiring and have a ? - 06/05/08 09:15 PM


does your car stay running with the battery disconnected?

Never, ever disconnect a battery with the car running, unless you like replacing alternators.
Posted By: 1Fast340

Re: just did some rewiring and have a ? - 06/05/08 09:38 PM


I'm not sure but I don't think you did anything wrong. 13.5 volts at the battery at idle is perfect. I think your alternator and regulator are just working much more than they use to supplying the additional volts. I would keep an eye on it but I wouldn't worry to much about it yet.

thats what i was hoping


is the circuit in parallel?

does your car stay running with the battery disconnected?

yeah they should be if i have understod everything right and i did conect the alternator cable to the driver side conector on the ampmeter that made the most sense since the cable that was there was black and the "passanger side" conector had its original red cable so that should be right i hope:S
havent tried that one but i have and have had a problem from time to time with not being able to shut motor down with key, gues thats a problem because of the msd ignition, have tried there fix with a resistor but havent been able to make that work:S ónly thing being conected on the batery side of ampmeter right know is msdignition wish takes its mainpower from starter relay and electric fan taking its mainpower also from starter relay, think the electric fan will move its mainpower suply to the alternator tomorow if i have the time and its not entirely wrong?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: just did some rewiring and have a ? - 06/05/08 09:58 PM

I picked up about 1.25 volts through the system back to the battery just by using 10 guage SXL wire direct from the alternator thru the dash to the main underdash wiring harness, and another 10 guage SXL wire coming back out to the fusible link at the starter relay. Bypassed every terminal in between (think there was about 4 or so).
Headlights are much brighter at idle.
I left the ammeter wiring alone.
Posted By: 1Fast340

Re: just did some rewiring and have a ? - 06/06/08 10:14 PM


is the circuit in parallel?

does your car stay running with the battery disconnected?

it should be
and dont realy know havent tried but i do have a run on problem..
why does it seem wrong?
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