

Posted By: 71mopardude

helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 07:30 PM

whats the best way to get off an over tighten oil filter (small block in an a-body with manifolds) ihave already broken one filter wrench should i rip the metal off and then try to turn the threads off??? what to do ???? thanks
Posted By: limechallenger

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 07:41 PM


whats the best way to get off an over tighten oil filter (small block in an a-body with manifolds) ihave already broken one filter wrench should i rip the metal off and then try to turn the threads off??? what to do ???? thanks

try grabbing it with a strip of rubber between the filter and the wrench !
Posted By: MoparforLife

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 07:45 PM

Drive a long punch through it as close to the base as possible and turn the punch.
Posted By: HealthServices

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 08:01 PM


Drive a long punch through it as close to the base as possible and turn the punch.

And if that don't work, use the punch and a hammer, start tapping it counter clock wise.

Oh... read the directions on the side of the filter next time.

When was the last time you heard of a filter coming off be itself? there is no need to over tighten it.
Posted By: 71mopardude

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 08:04 PM

lmao im not that stupid its a car i just bought not one that i have worked on before lol but thanks for the advice i will give it a try !!!
Posted By: Mr.Yuck

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 08:04 PM

take a phillips screw driver in one hand get a hammer in the other, tap it thru then turn it. Let all the oil leak out and into a catch can..the pop another hole and turn, by then it should be loose enough to turn by hand
Posted By: mopars4ever

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 08:09 PM

Are you getting the wrench as close to the block as possible?
Posted By: 71autoxr

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/17/08 08:14 PM

punch through it and turn, or if it is not too oily, grab some course sandpaper, wrap the filter and use your muscles. Make sure that you add a thin coat of oil to the rubber gasket on the new filter to prevent this....and don;t put it on with a wrench, hand tight is plenty.
Posted By: 71mopardude

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/18/08 06:04 PM

Got it off!!!!!!!!!!!! took removing the exhaust and putting a long punch through it and an oil filter wrench on it and reefing on both like a mother !!! lol why do ppl do these things????
will post a pic of the mangled filter later just for laughs thanks to all for the help
Posted By: In_The_Pink

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/19/08 03:57 AM

It's right up there with shops using an air wrench to crank down the lug nuts. "What, they're supposed to be torqued to a certain spec? " Just causes more trouble down the line and there's no need for it...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/19/08 04:20 AM

next time, try this trick my dad taught me.

use a belt. wrap a belt around it so it goes thru the buckle and back over itself . make it so when you pull on it, it unwinds. works EVERY TIME
Posted By: dgc333

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/20/08 06:25 PM

I have run into oil filters that the belt trick won't work with even with sand paper in between. I have also run into filters that a punch through the body of the filter just rips the can.

In the most subborn cases a large slip joint plier grabing the base usually works and if you can get a purcahse on the base then a cold chisel tangentially on the base will bit in enough to allow you to tap it loose with a hammer.
Posted By: HealthServices

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/20/08 06:40 PM

We have had cars towed in from the oil change shops with just the oil filter base on. Everything else was tried and failed, nothing left but the base.

I use the cold chisel on the remaining parts and tap it loose with a hammer.

Easy 1 hour labor, 10 minutes work or less after pushing the car onto the rack..
Posted By: HealthServices

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/20/08 06:50 PM

Oh plus the cost of an oil change, of course I don't get paid for any part of the tow.
Posted By: dvw

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/20/08 08:06 PM

I use 2 filter wrenches together. Extreme cases we have used 2 strap along with a end cup style. When rookies here at work tear off the can I air chisel the base to rotate it around. either way will work one is messier. i've been a dealer tech 26 years,these methods will work.
Posted By: 68HemiB

Re: helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!! - 10/20/08 08:22 PM

At the risk of stating the obvious, the shards from a stabbed filter can be very sharp indeed. Use great care when taking the hammer and chisel to the nothing-left-but-the-base oil filter that got towed into your shop.


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